Proceeds of Crime Applications
Whether you are facing proceedings under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA) at the end of a criminal case, during an investigation or after you thought the whole thing had gone away POCA also known as confiscation can be a costly and complicated area of law to be involved in. These proceedings are weighted against defendants and it is important that you receive legal advice to help navigate this difficult area of law. Our business defence team also deal with POCA and are uniquely able to help you at whatever stage the proceedings have reached.
Many firms of defence solicitors don’t want to deal with confiscation cases, but we do because we have a high level of expertise in this area. In this situation we are happy to take over your case and get the best outcome possible for you.
We can help;
When the prosecution make an application at the end of the case to recover the proceeds of criminal conduct. We have a good success rate of reducing the original amounts sought by the prosecution and the amount that our clients are ordered to pay.
With applications for cash detention and account freezing orders.
If a Restraint order or a Compliance Order is made against you. We can help to vary or discharge these orders.
If the prosecution come back years after a confiscation order was made against you, and make an application to vary that order under s.22 POCA to try and recover more money from you. We can help you to understand the process and argue against the variation for you.